Today's message was a background on the Magi of the Savior's birth story. For those whose spiritual lessons come mostly from song or erroneous traditions, the Magi were not kings (as in We Three Kings), there were not necessarily three (which has been presumed because of the three gifts mentioned in Scripture) but there were at least two, and probably more with a traveling party of a thousand or more, Scripture does not tell us their names are Caspar, Melchior or the other one I can't recall at the moment-those names came from somewhere nearly 1200 years later, they were more likely riding horses than camels [think magnificent Arab steeds-my comment], they did not arrive at the manger, but did arrive at the 'house' of Mary & Joseph when Jesus was probably a toddler, and not a baby (referred to as 'child', not baby, in Scripture) - the reason Herod sent out a decree to have all male children age two and under killed.
Peaky & Spike (magenta & neutral) units |
Well, back to quilting...while I was attending online church, I sat and sliver-trimmed the units for Part 2 of En Provence. I must say, this is perhaps the best I've done to date on cutting and sewing accuracy. I am very pleased with myself. I'll be sliver-trimming the neutral 4-patches throughout the day, and then move on to turning my purple/lavender twosie sets into 4-patches. I haven't counted them, so may still have to do more along with more of the neutrals. But then, if I'm only doing half the size of quilt, I may be fine and will have a lot of extra units. I can always make two, just don't want to make another big quilt for awhile.
Trimming units while attending church is interesting. Wonder how they'd react if you did that in a regular church?