Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Never Enough Hours

Well, I brought Ruby (my sewing machine) home on Monday, and while I've set her up for action, I have yet to sew a single thing.

Instead, I've been trying to get ready for a meeting with our financial advisor on Friday afternoon.  He always wants to see what our "monthly spending" has been.  He thinks we should be budgeting and living within that.  He doesn't know us very well!  We have no debt other than our mortgage, and we live within our means, but living ON a budget is just too restrictive.  His categories for purchases don't match mine (notice I didn't say ours...I'm the one with the analytical mind and I do all the day-to-day tracking and categorizing...maybe too much so!).  Anyway, it's a bit of a chore, and always takes me longer than I think (that's my problem! overthinking!) and with this go-round, I've been trying to re-categorize in an attempt to be more in-line with Mr. Financial Advisor.  And since we use Quicken to track such things, I get on rabbit-trails of trying to fix or re-categorize records for somewhere close to 20+ years...yep, that long!  Marty used Quicken before we got married, and we've been married now for 19 years.

Housework is never ending time consuming, and yesterday I decided to make BBQ Country Ribs using my toaster oven and after the first 90 minutes of letting them cook at 250F, I then had to turn and baste them every 30 minutes for the next few hours.  Oh but they turned out pretty good!  
They look pretty dark - BBQ sauce - but they are not burnt.
I served them with a rice dish from a box (because I had it and it was easy), deviled eggs - ok, had to prepare those too, and a salad which required a bit of prep.
I also joined the modern era with getting a smart phone on Saturday, so I'm learning all manner of things about it.  I can text now.  Fascinating!  And yesterday, I learned that I have a built in app (I guess that's what it's called) that tracks my steps.  Also fascinating!  I'd been wanting a FitBit type monitor for over a year, but too many features/styles/costs to choose from and I hadn't taken the time to really analyze what would be best for me, so I was excited with this find, though my phone is about 7.5 ounces heavier than a FitBit would be and carrying it around is cumbersome!  I became aware of this feature, which automatically sets the goal at 10,000 steps.  Let me tell you, I thought I walked a whole lot in the house yesterday, but by bedtime, I'd only walked just under 1400 steps, pretty discouraging!  That didn't count my steps prior to discovering this feature of course.

I'd better get back to that project, Friday will be here before I know it.  I also have to run to the bank.  I'll be driving, not running, but that will add a few extra steps walking from the parking lot!

Have a wonderful day!

Edited to add:  This should have been posted on my Duck Out Of Water blog, but it seems I forgot to switch over, maybe I'll fix it later, maybe I won't!


  1. DH got me a FitBit for our anniversary a couple of weeks ago. I don't get many steps in, either. Nicest feature for me is the sleep tracker -- amazing how accurate it is!

  2. A good tip someone told me for walking was to park at the outer edges of the car park. You usually get a spot quickly, instead of driving around trying to get the closest spot possible. And you do more steps getting from your car to the shops.


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